Meter Setter 联盟 Connections

Meter Setter 联盟 Connections

Meter Setter 联盟 Connections

计setter is a factory assembled configuration of tubing, 阀门, and fittings that provide for the retention of a water meter and connection to the service line. This solution is considered a time saving method of water meter installation and can be installed in either the northern or southern service laterals. The 计setter provides water supply shut off during meter replacements. One of the most appealing aspects to the 计setter is its flexibility found in the connection at the bottom of the assembly, 也被称为底部条.

When it comes to customizing a 计setter to a select application, inlet and outlet connections of the bottom bar are considered. These determine how the service line is connected to the 计setter and comes with many different options. One common 计setter service line connection option is the union.

联盟 connections use a female threaded collar nut that threads onto the male threaded end connection of the setter. Joining these two pieces together creates the ‘union’ connection. The union allows different types of service line connections to be joined onto the 计setter. See below for a visual of what a union connection would look like on a 计setter:

One type of union connection is the dual (double) purpose union. This connection includes one endpiece that serves two purposes, allowing the user to flare the copper tube or to use threaded iron pipe. The copper tube can be inserted into the endpiece and flared to make the connection. The pipe can be threaded into the endpiece to make the connection. For a visual explanation of how the dual purpose union works, please watch the video below.

联盟 connections can be used on both the inlet and outlet or just one side of 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧表设置器. 订购A.Y. McDonald 计setter with union connections, it’s recommended to first select the proper setter series. Next, follow the ordering instructions in the water works catalog for inlet and outlet connections. ‘Integral’ means the connection is part of the setter’s bottom bar while ‘union’ is separate pieces.

Learn more about the functionality and purpose of a 计setter union connection, along with how to order a 计setter with this option, 通过 ‘Meter Setter 联盟 Connections’ AYU course. You can also call our customer service department at 1-800-292-2737 or fill out a contact us form on